
Hi! My name is Spike.

I play Team Fortress 2 competitively. I have done so, quite a while ago now, in Division 3 as medic, but have recently decided to try my luck, in the lower levels of play, as Soldier. I like commas, but I also have an opinion on other things, and this website is, amongst other places, where I rant.

For proof of my terribleness as medic, you can find my youtube channel here: http://youtube.com/user/spike848

Besides playing TF2, I also spend some time doing admin work for Europe’s largest TF2 league, ETF2L: http://etf2l.org/

And because TF2 is such an immensely amazing game, but most people that play it tend to be young and poor, I am also manager of a European TF2-focussed gaming organisation, sponsoring several teams with servers and a place to hang out, Team Colonslash: http://team-colonslash.eu/